Gửi tới các bạn cách viết, Bài viết mẫu Study Plan xin học bổng MBA Đài Loan từ A-Z của bạn Lê Xuân Lộc được chia sẻ trên diễn đàn tienganh.com.vn

Full name: Le Xuan Loc
Address: No. 406/24, Le Van Luong Street, Hamlet 3, Phuoc Kieng Ward, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Mobile phone: +841649816744
Email: faithfulfriend101122@gmail.com
My full name is Le Xuan Loc, graduated from Ton Duc Thang University with a very fair diploma about specializing in Marketing Administration Curriculum of Faculty of Business Administration. And I am applying for Chinese Culture University’s MBA scholarship programme. With the level of educations and qualifications, existing experiences, knowledges of Marketing and Science Research, soft skills and good english and so, I’m completely sufficient for this MBA scholarship and I’ll certaintly fulfill all curricula of MBA effectively.
Attending and studying in Ton Duc Thang University from 2010 with minor is Marketing, it makes me chances not only explore and study lots of wider arrays of subjects, especially Marketing’s field, but also explore myself and apply them in my outside realistic work environment. I feel eager and interesting in discussing about topics and carrying out small projects given by lecturers. Through these discussions and completed projects, I can widen my knowledge as well as develop my skills. Besides, I can compare how differences between my knowledge learned to company situation are. From then, I can improve ability of analyzing, assessing and giving out my private views from such problems or events. In spite of pursuing a fulltime programme, balanced between two majors (Business and Marketing), maintaining average score of 7.53, 3rd ranked (TOP 3) in class and working more than 40 hours per week for self – study and Marketing Collaborator, I also make advantage of my free time to enhance my education outside the university and take part in social activities, particularly with research passion, I took part in “Science Research Programme for Student” and I implemented a research project for my university. I constantly strive for excellence and am committed to making my time as an undergraduate as productive and beneficial as possible. With my highly efforts, I achieve many scholarships sponsored by my university and firms . Furthermore, I get the 2nd prize at the competition “Business Administration Ability”, consolation prize at “Student Science Research Programme Contest” organized by Ton Duc Thang university, certificate of participating “Student award of 15th Euréka Science Research in 2013 held by Ho Chi Minh Youth Union, graduation thesis is excellent at 9.2 points and I have an opportunity to join and get certificate in “ABS2 Module” course about Skills for Building Applied Brands in HCMC University of Economics and Laws.
With the goal to be well-rounded student, besides studying at university, I joined in some extra courses such as Informatic, Chinese, TOEIC, soft skill,…Now, my TOEIC reached at 585 and it will be improved soon. I can use Microsoft Office proficiently, understand Statistic Software such as SPSS, SAS and speak English fluently. During my school years, Ton Duc Thang University enables me to attend many social activities which help me improve my soft skills as well as develop potential abilities in leadership, organization, management, persuasion, teamwork, …I am very lucky to join in Green Summer or Green Sunday which help me get much more valuable life experiences.
In addition to learned knowledge at school, I have approximately one year work experience with Marketing Collaborator at The International Communication Network Joint Stock Company. I underwent many works in Marketing Department such as Marketing Online, Marketing Offline, Public Relation & Communication, Market Research, Advertising, Digital Marketing, Event,…These works not only help me consolidate my knowledge at school, but create a lot of oppotunities for me to be learned and experienced at realistic enterprise before graduating.
Besides Marketing minor, I am fairly interested in Global Business because I want to study about the difference in exchanging among nations such as Trade, Business, Marketing and Research,…I hope I can have an overview about worldwide economy, especially in Global Marketing field.
Fortunately, Chinese Culture University gives us a scholarship about the same field that I really care about. With this scholarship, my dream will come true in a near future. According to many sources of information, I know that Chinese Culture University has a very good facilities, devoted teacher and very good education quality. Hence, I strongly believe that your university will help me to broaden my knowledge and realistic experiences so that I can achieve much more and more successes in the future.
To fullfill the MBA curricula well in your university, besides passing all subjects of curricula every semester, I have to prepare, choose and write a detail outline of final thesis outstandingly. So, in my study plan for this MBA programme, I’ll anticipate my thesis’s name: “Dimensions of Student – based Brand Equity: A study of economic sector universities in Taiwan”. And thesis’s content structure includes five following chapter except table of contents, references, appendices, layouts:
Chapter one: “Research Introduction”, shortly presenting university education systems in Taiwan, briefly summarizing economic sector universities in Taiwan. This one also mentions the reason why I make a choice of this research, research subject, research limitations, scientific and realistic meanings of this study.
Chapter two: “Literature Review”, this chapter consists of three part: First, summarise the theories of main definitions and concepts in this research such as: Brand Equity, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Image, Brand Loyalty. Second, present related previous research results and models. And finally, propose a main research model of study and accompanied hypotheses.
Chapter three: “Research Methodology”, mention research designs and statistic data analyst techniques.
Chapter four: “Research Results”, respectively present research results including: Sampling size statistics, analysis of scale’s reliability by the coefficients of Cronbach’s alpha, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), assess the degree of correlation among factors, linear model to evaluate the relationship between Total Brand Equity and its components.
Chapter five: “Conclusions and Suggestions”, summarize main results of the study, give conclusions from above results in chapter four. From then, offer solutions and suggestions for educational leader in universities. Futhermore, this study also mentions some limitations in implemeting it and propose suggestions for next researches.
This study will be carried out relying on the Brand Equity model of Chieng Fayrene Y.L & Goi Chai Lee (2011). This one will be anticipated to be complete just in 6 months in the final semester of MBA Programme. This research will not only provide diversity of brand theories for educational university leader, but help author learn and explore much more deeply university brand theories as well as university education situations in Taiwan.
In addition to presenting a detail final research proposal, I’ll have prepared and read many previously related scientific research magazines and at the beginning I’ll spending much time to study about university brand in Taiwan. Besides, write a detail research outline and receive many references from my professors are needed. Therefore, with the hope that I can fulfill all curricula and the final research thesis perfectly.
Futhermore, I am a independent, creative, active, careful, meticulous, detailed and patient person and be very interested in scientific research, so I can easily adapt with new environment where I can study a lot of new things day by day. So I strongly believe I am eligible for this scholarship. With this scholarship, you not only give me the opportunity to study, but also give me a chance to travel, to explore about your traditional culture, to make more and more new relationships…
When I study at Chinese Culture University, I will try my best to complete my course well, besides I will study English and Chinese as well as some knowledge, experience from my friends. After finishing my Master’s degree course at The Chinese Culture University, I hope I can devote myself for my next generation in my country.
I would like to thank you in advance for considering my application.