Định nghĩa Damage | Damage đi với giới từ gì? damage to hay damage by? là câu hỏi của rất nhiều người khi học tiếng Anh. Bài viết này, Cafeduhoc sẽ giải đáp thắc mắc của các bạn.

Nội dung chính
Damage Tiếng Anh là gì?
- danh từ
- mối hại, điều hại, điều bất lợi
- sự thiệt hại
- to cause great damage to…: gây nhiều thiệt hại cho…
- (số nhiều) tiền bồi thường thiệt hại; tiền bồi thường tai nạn
- to bring an action of damages against somebody: kiện ai đòi bồi thường thiệt hại
- (từ lóng) giá tiền
- what’s the damage?: giá bao nhiêu?
- ngoại động từ+ (endamage)/in’dæmidʤ/
- làm hư hại, làm hỏng, gây thiệt hại, gây tổn hại
- làm hại (ai); làm tổn thương (danh dự…)
- to damage someone’s reputation: làm tổn thương danh dự của ai
Phân biệt cách dùng damage, damages
– The frost did a lot of damage to the crops.
Sương giá đã gây nhiều thiệt hại cho mùa màng.
(Không dùng “a damage”, “a lot of damages”, “made a lot of damage”)
(damage là danh từ không đếm được)
– The pop star claimed that the story had harmed his reputation and he sued the newspaper for damages.
Ngôi sao nhạc pop cho rằng câu chuyện đã làm tổn hại đến danh dự của anh ta và kiện tờ báo đòi bồi thường thiệt hại.
(Không dùng “a damage”)
(= money paid in law for damage caused to reputation or property: Danh từ số nhiều = tiền trả luật do thiệt hại gây ra đối với uy tín hay tài sản của ai đó)
Damage đi với giới từ gì? Damage to hay damage by?
Damage + to
Strong winds had caused serious damage to the roof.
Recent discoveries about corruption have done serious damage to the company’s reputation.
damage to sth/sb The firm was lucky to get away with little damage to its reputation.
do/cause damage (to sth/sb) The pensions scandal did a lot of damage to the Government’s credibility.
Damage + on
inflict damage on sth/sb Public relations disasters could inflict damage on the brand.
Damage + by
People who are under-insured won’t be able to rebuild if their homes are damaged by a hurricane.
Damage + for
claim/seek/sue for damages (for sth) He was seeking damages for breach of contract,.
be awarded/receive/recover damages (for sth) If the odds of survival fell because of a missed diagnosis, victims would be able to try to recover damages.
Tính phổ biến của giới từ theo sau Damage
Khoảng 30% trường hợp dùng damage to
damage to existing relationships.
damage to the properties had been vast in the area.
They’re doing incredible damage to the environment.
These economic losses include: damage to property, assets, infrastructure and factories.
If the sponge dries out, heavy rain causes rapid run off that can be damaging to soils.
I am reluctant to accept this as there is no other sign of damage to the side of the car.
Should any damage to hardware and/or software, or to other data contents, occur due to the use of the websites austria.
The server had over-heated causing damaged to the server and the pipe that controls the brakes, hence no breaking at all.
From all the cons of transferring to a new home, damage to your residential goods must most likely be on the top of the list.
Khoảng 30% trường hợp dùng damage by
Two railway wagons, were damaged by the flames.
Previously damaged by perming &; dyeing in the 80’s &; 90’s.
Our economy would be damaged by keeping the pound, they warned.
In any case, fragile environments can be damaged by even the most careful travellers.
They were so poorly constructed that they were damaged by the first rain that fell in 2009.
Her brother, Peter, is now 40, married yet damaged by the unsolved case of his missing sister.
Plus, they are highly resistant to damage by salt water, their maintenance costs are low and they are fully removable.
The cells can be damaged by more than one cause, and it is often not possible to determine what has caused the damage.
I noticed that there are claims that ruins in Iraq near where these were found have been heavily damaged by the US army.
He hurt his back when a military vehicle was damaged by a mine in Bosnia in 2003 but the psychological scars run deepest.
Khoảng 14% trường hợp dùng damage in
damage in Jamaica is estimated at 1.
Shipment lost or damaged in Transit.
The response is damaging in the long-term.
My sons had a boat but it was damaged in a previous incident and can no longer be used.
Though there were no casualties, a number of the church buildings were damaged in the attacks.
Feedback from our customers has shown that pre-assembled products tend to get damaged in transit.
We ship heavy items this way to ensure they do not get damaged in transit and for the health and safety of our drivers.
Equally, we weren’t able to give him a second stint on Option tyres today because they’d been damaged in qualifying yesterday.
Women work together to make quilts in Shikarpur Village, Sindh Province, which was heavily damaged in the July floods in 2010.
Stoner told Spanish television he had ridden a careful race as he was worried about hurting the foot he damaged in Indianapolis in August.
Khoảng 5% trường hợp dùng damage for
So it was hugely damaging for tweeters.
This is even more damaging for tweeters.
The victim may, of course, still bring an action in damages for the breach and repudiate the contract for all future breaches.
I don’t think that working long hours as such is damaging for children, but they have to know that they’ve got a voice in the family.
This weapon can usually be used like the Axti, but you need even better timing to time when your flames did enough damage for a decisive hit.
Sections 50 and 51 contain a rule for measuring damages for non-acceptance and for non-delivery where there is an? available market? for the goods.
MacArthur’s culpable inaction was particularly damaging for America’s most powerful means of retaliation, the Far East Air Force in the Philippines.
And family farming has the potential to produce in a better way: less damaging for the environment and with greater welfare and redistribution effects.
Price increases of this magnitude would be immensely damaging for the paper, glass and steel industries, and their survival would be put in serious doubt.
Since the early 1950s the question of whether children starved of loving family care in their first few years would be irrevocably damaged for life has been hotly debated.
Khoảng 4% trường hợp dùng damage from
damage from tap water could take years and years so.
Be careful as EPROMS can be damaged from too much exposure.
Multiple houses around them were badly damaged from fallen trees.
Often, damage from improper cleaning may not be immediately apparent.
The senior did the most damage from long distance shooting 4-of-9 nine from behind the arc.
They will most likely end up damaged from being ripped or incredibly dirty You may find goggles useful.
The developing baby (or foetus) is most at risk to damage from alcohol, drugs, medications and illness in the first trimester.
However within private property these services may be shallower and be vulnerable to damage from driving survey traverse marks into the ground.
Khoảng 3% trường hợp dùng damage during
However roots may get damaged during pulling.
My friend is unsure whether the missing roof tiles had been stolen or damaged during the fighting.
Though the building was damaged during the Troubles, it has since been restored to its original splendour.
Indonesia’s nuclear authorities say the Kartini research reactor is safe and wasn’t damaged during Saturday’s earthquake.
It is only after we fall asleep at night that we enable either one of our eyes to finally take a break to revive the damaged muscles which have been damaged during our day.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng damage at
A guitar hand damaged at a show by Mr A Gill.
Apparently, it was damaged at that time because of all the electricity outages.
Nottingham Evening Post Thursday 27th February 1930 2,000 damage at Pottery Works.
PNG: That’s true, but the trouble is we’re starting from here and we have to do the least damage at this point.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng damage beyond
A and B category write offs mean that the car is damaged beyond repair and must be crushed.
The book stays open when you put it on a table, but only because it is damaged beyond repair.
When the film came out, some urologists said his special parts would have been damaged beyond repair at the severe impact of the hard rope.
In 2004, the band was issued with a 604 Peugeot cab which was involved in an accident and was damaged beyond repairs which was then driven by the director himself A.
What to do about a damaged passport You do not need to report a damaged passport, but if your passport is damaged beyond reasonable wear and tear, some airlines may not let you travel.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng damage due
I have never seen an adult in therapy who said that they were irrevocably damaged due to a mother who fumbled her words when talking about something hard.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng damage through
Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable.
For more than 40 years Bohn &; Bohn has dedicated its practice to representing people who have been injured or damaged through the fault of others.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng damage over
Want, those damaged over personal fretting hand today continue to be constantly working out most-loved.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng damage on
There are fragile elements on the inside of quality cameras that may turn out to be quickly damaged on account of trembling as well as something similar to high humidness.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng damage like
Not when the platters are so damaged like that.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng damage as
They may be damaged as a result of what they read.
Taylor said: ‘ It has been an unedifying process and the game has been damaged as a result of the dirty linen being washed in public.