Scared đi với giới từ gì? Cấu trúc và cách dùng Scared như thế nào? chắc chắn là câu hỏi chung của rất nhiều người. Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Scared” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính
Scared nghĩa là gì?
Tính từ
Bị hoảng sợ
a very scared man
một người rất nhát gan
“Scared” là tính từ mang nghĩa bị động, có nghĩa là cảm thấy sợ hãi do ai hoặc cái gì. Tính từ này sử dụng để mô tả sự hãi của người hay động vật.
Ví dụ:
- She is scared of toads.
(Cô ấy sợ con cóc.)
- I am scared of telling Mike what really happened.
(Tôi sợ phải nói với Mike những gì thực sự đã xảy ra.)
- I get scared when I have to face him.
(Tôi sợ hãi khi phải đối mặt với anh ấy.)
- The child was truly scared by the threat of the man on the road.
(Đứa trẻ thực sự sợ hãi trước lời đe dọa của người đàn ông trên đường.)
- The accident just happened that made everyone around you feel scared.
(Vụ tai nạn vừa xảy ra khiến mọi người xung quanh đều cảm thấy sợ hãi.)
Kỹ thuật chung
Nghĩa chuyên ngành
lớp kẹp pirit mỏng (trong vỉa than)
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
afraid , aghast , anxious , fearful , having cold feet , panicked , panicky , panic-stricken , petrified , shaken , startled , terrified , terror-stricken , alarmed , frightened
Từ trái nghĩa
confident , encouraged , unafraid

Scared đi với giới từ gì?
scared + of
That’s nothing to be scared of.
scared + to death
Well, he is scared to death of riding someone on his bike so I knew he was really hurt.
scared + about
I feel very scared about it all.
scared + by
Everyone were scared by medicine.
scared + for
I am very scared for all of us.
scared + at
I am scared at going again.
Mức độ phổ biến của giới từ theo sau scared
Khoảng 72% trường hợp dùng scared of
But I’d not scared of them now.
I am just scared of the change.
People are so scared of the unknown, even if we’re pretty confident it will be better.
I remember thinking there was not much point in being scared of the nuclear potential.
How dare you be single, it’s that sort of tone! I used to be scared of that word once.
FactCheckForever: 13 Nov 2012 4:46:25pm It’s amazing how the right wing are now running scared of the fact checkers.
They wont make the same mistake twice will they? unfortuanately everybody is scared of offending someone these days.
Do not be scared of the few policemen under those trees who are holding their rifles high in the air for you to see.
A, I am scared of the pain and B, I am a little bit embarrassed about getting all my body parts out for them, ha ha.
Khoảng 6% trường hợp dùng scared to
But I’d scared to death of LSU.
I too am scared to death to fly.
These kids were scared to death.
He arrived in a mixed aged class with an NQT who basically was scared to death of him.
These bred animals are not provoked and scared to death on purpose like those dolphins.
I’ve known many affiliates who were just too scared to part with their money and never made more than $50 in profit.
I was fascinated by it but I was scared to death of the beating I’d get if I messed with it, so I too left it alone.
He’s the one who ended it by the way! And he could have approached me at the party but was too scared to or whatever.
Is it that you are scared to? The fact is that the decisions of other nations on this planet are beyond your control.
Khoảng 5% trường hợp dùng scared about
I feel very scared about it all.
He wasn’t scared about losing $5.
I’d scared about later life, like sex.
I did scarves and home made liquors last year and I’d scared about trying much new.
Mary is scared about her future, her children’s future, and her community’s future.
I am scared about the fact that the Earth will enter the Dark Rift in the Milky Way.
They were so scared about the forces external to them that quite a few of them actually cut off all ties from me.
How can one concentrate and study when there is this much noise? We’re scared about what’ll happen in the future.
What I was most scared about was that people would talk about the end and I wouldn’t be able to keep a lid on it.
I can’t stop crying because I’d scared of losing my boyfriend but I’d also scared about disappointing my parents.
Khoảng 4% trường hợp dùng scared for
I haven’t been scared for life.
Wht do I do?? I’m scared for him.
In the end, realised that I was scared for nothing and the car is now sparking clean.
It makes no sense &; it is making people like me feel very scared for the near future.
My aunt was scared for my safety and she arranged for me to travel to another country.
They pass through the seedy parts of cities where both the riders and the support crew are scared for their safety.
Some people scared for poor quality or plagiarized work that they may get if they asked someone to write their paper.
Initially scared for using magic outside the school, he is pleasantly surprised that he won’t be penalized after all.
I am very scared for Kenzi with the weird arm stuff – perhaps she should just cut down the whole darn tree next time.
Khoảng 3% trường hợp dùng scared by
Everyone were scared by medicine.
I do hope you’re not scared by it.
But I wasn’t scared by the situation.
I walked straight back the the entrance after getting scared by the third scare actor.
But at that time, I hadn’t written the book yet and I was scared by the taboo around it.
In one, shoppers in a mall were scared by a stranger touching their shoulder from behind.
Michael Myers is a super-technical horror fan; he is one of those weird people who don’t get scared by scary movies.
The PNP is running scared by the public’s response to the manifesto and the most recent Don Anderson’s polls result.
Then Carys went to sleep and you were scared by a couple of weepies? Aw, poor BHB, come on over here and have a cuddle.
Yet if we stand still against a certain thing but still get scared by another, we cant say that we have complete courage.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng scared at
They were scared at the blacks.
But I am scared at going again.
I appreciate and am scared at this.
Or because I feel powerless or scared at one moment or other, nearly every day of my life.
She can easily hold a living snake in her hands, but she gets scared at the sight of mice.
I tried my best during filming, so I wasn’t scared at all on doing the humiliating scenes.
Seriously though I think you have hit a nerve with those who are scared at the very thought of a wengerless arsenal.
He called her cell but she didn’t reply, he got angry and scared at the same time that something might have happened.
During the time of the war there were check points in Colombo and I must say I was scared at times with bad meomories.
A total blow-off man! Rating 7/10 for I certainly got scared at some points of the movie and good story but the ending.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng scared from
Opposition is scared from Imran Khan.
The Mullahs are scared from the People.
You were scared from the moment you got there.
One &Other; is not running scared from digital and social media: they’ve embraced it.
First he runs scared from the Faculty of Advocates, now he constantly runs away from Blair Jenkins.
THe current president and his clanish advisors are all scared from politicians hailing from Puntland.
Not that you should get scared from traveling abroad but you must know the dos and don’ts while making a Tour abroad.
Know it will be beeyooteefull! And this is why I’d still running scared from swatching for my Bombshell (Big Girl Knits).
I don’t ‘ believe we are born into this world just to run scared from love, wear nice clothes, and pay our bills on time.
And the Engineer who wake up was so scared from Xenos, that he had to kill all humans on the planet to protect other ships.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng scared in
Everybody is scared in the school.
I’ve never played scared in my life.
Sadr is now running scared in Najaf.
I’ve honestly never been so scared in all my life, I know it scared my Mother as well.
TMZ notes that he was the only member of the group who wasn’t scared in the slightest.
And random food wouldn’t be left lonely and scared in the dark back areas of my pantry.
One thing I remember clearly was him saying Zain Ghana has so much network capacity, they are scared in a positive way.
So for my first few fights I was still feeling very nervous and sometimes even scared in the ring for my first few fights.
Lee Joon just nods along with a mocking expression as she continues to lay out her threats, clearly not scared in the least.
Right now, administrators are simply running scared in many places, which inevitably strikes fear into faculty and students.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng scared off
Bottom Line I admit I am scared off fire.
This scared off potential suitors such as Manchester City.
Garbages all over, even mosquitos are not scared off all out.
The wave of anti-Marcos demonstrations in the country that followed scared off tourists.
To newbies: Don’t read the other threads and get scared off thinking it is a dangerous place.
Girls are easily scared off electricity, materials and forces, equations and weighty concepts.
Traders are betting on economic increases a year or two out and get scared off when they hear another bad news story.
Johnson’s screams seemingly scared off the men, causing them to escape by jumping over the walls of her neighbor’s home.
It makes me feel sad to think that there may be families out there who read posts and comments on this blog and are scared off Catholic schooling.
With the exception of the Champion Stakes on Saturday, and the Juddmonte International before that, he’s scared off most of the opposition this season.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng scared out
Boy was scared out of his mind.
But I was scared out of my mind.
I was just scared out of my wits.
He would’ve been absolutely scared out of his mind, but not threatening nor dangerous.
But at that time, I don’t even know what is going on, so, i was scared out of my wits.
The taxi driver (Leon?) was scared out of his mind-who killed him? Certainly not Vagn.
Untold numbers of people I talked to were scared out of their pants at the prospect of another Obama term in office.
Now crying with abandon and frankly scared out of my wits, I drove east, took the first exit, and turned around again.
You’re pregnant and, although you want to be a mom more than anything in the world, you’re also scared out of your wits.
Me and my sisters (4 and 8 years younger) listened to them constantly and were scared out of our little minds by Genesis.
Khoảng 1% trường hợp dùng scared with
Were scared with this incident.
I’d scared with you, but we’re together.
Baba I am scared with things going on in office.
Who knows????? Nolan did say that he is scared with the whole part 3? s in trilogy’s.
PS: I got scared with the Robert Pattison one, I believe it was the 5th post you made.
I was scared with sweaty palms because this was my first real business-like experience.
I must also say I got really scared with all this talk about dry sockets and holes that food can get trapped into.
At the beginning people made me really scared with the malaria issue and stuff like that, but that’s part of the game.
If things are getting heavy and you feel uncomfortable or scared with someone then make an excuse to get away from them.
Yeah and that mangy old tabby cat is running scared with development coming after it and not going after development as it should.
Afraid, scared hay frightened?

– 3 tính từ trên đều được dùng để diễn tả thái độ lo lắng, sợ hãi
Ví dụ:
All small children are afraid of / scared of / frightened of ghost.
Hầu hết bọn trẻ đều sợ ma.
Don’t be scared / afraid / frightened. I’m not going to hurt you.
Đừng sợ. Tôi sẽ không làm cô đau đâu.
– Tuy nghĩa của chúng tương tự nhau nhưng 3 tính từ trên có khác biệt về cấu trúc.
Cấu trúc afraid / scared / frightened + of + Noun/ doing sth: sợ gì, sợ làm gì. Nhưng riêng frightened không đi với of + pronoun (đại từ).
Ví dụ:
He’s afraid of / scared of / frightened of flying in planes.
Anh ta sợ đi máy bay.
He’s a strict teacher. Everyone seems to be afraid of / scared of him. (NOT … frightened of him)
Thầy giáo đó rất nghiêm khắc. Các học sinh đều có vẻ sợ ông ta.
Cấu trúc Afraid/ scared/ frightened + to + infinitive cũng được dùng khá phổ biến để chỉ việc ai đó sợ làm gì.
Ví dụ:
She seemed too scared to swim where there were such big waves.
Cô ấy có vẻ rất sợ bơi ở những nơi có sóng lớn.
After such an experience she’s afraid to go anywhere near the sea.
Sau lần đó, cô ta sợ đi đến bất cứ nơi đâu gần biển.
I was frightened to walk in the dark alone.
Tôi từng sợ đi bộ trong bóng tối một mình.
– Ta có thể dùng scared / frightened by sth với nghĩa là “sợ cái gì” nhưng afraid lại không được dùng theo cách nói này.
Ví dụ:
She was scared by the hooting of the owl. (NOT She was afraid by…)
Cô ấy sợ tiếng kêu của con cú.
They were frightened / terrified by the scream. (Họ sợ tiếng gào thét)
* Tính từ Terrified cũng có nghĩa là “sợ hãi” nhưng ở mức độ mạnh hơn.
Ví dụ:
She’s terrified of / by large dogs and won’t go near them.
Cô ta rất sợ những con chó to và không dám đến gần chúng.
– Xét về vị trí của các tính từ afraid / scared / frightened trong mệnh đề, afraid không đứng trước danh từ, mà thường đứng sau động từ. Trong khi, scared và frightened có thể đứng cả 2 vị trí nói trên.
Ví dụ:
He seemed afraid.
Anh ta có vẻ sợ hãi.
He was, without doubt, a frightened man.
Chắc chắn anh ta là người đáng sợ.
– Ngoài ra, cụm từ I am afraid he/she/we, etc…= I regret that I have to tell you that….: còn được dùng với nghĩa “Tôi lấy làm tiếc…”. Trong trường hợp thông báo tin không tốt thì đây là cách nói mang tính chất trang trọng, lịch sự.
Ví dụ:
I’m afraid we shan’t be able to come on the skiing trip with you. John’s got to work.
Mình lấy làm tiếc vì bọn mình không thể đi trượt tuyết với cậu. John phải đi làm.
I’m afraid you‘ve completely misunderstood the question.
Thầy e rằng em đã hiểu nhầm câu hỏi rồi.
* I’m afraid so. / I’m afraid not.
Chúng ta có thể dùng cấu trúc trên như là một câu trả lời ngắn để khẳng định tin xấu.
Ví dụ:
Can’t you really come on the skiing trip with us? ~ I’m afraid not.
Các cậu thực sự không đi trượt tuyết cùng bọn mình được à? ~ Mình e rằng là không.
Did I completely misunderstood the question? ~ I’m afraid so.
Em đã hiểu sai hoàn toàn câu hỏi ạ? ~ Thầy e rằng thế.
– Ngoài dạng thức tính từ kết thúc bằng đuôi -ed, các tính từ trên frightened / terrified còn có dạng thức kết thúc bằng đuôi -ing: frightening / terrifying. Theo quy tắc thông thường thì tính từ kết thúc đuôi -ed dùng chỉ cảm giác bị tác động, còn tính từ kết thúc bằng đuôi -ing thì miêu tả tính chất của sự vật, con người.
* Frightened/ frightening
Ví dụ:
She looked very frightened when I told her she would lose her job.
Nhìn cô ta có vẻ sợ hãi khi tôi nói là cô ta sẽ mất việc.
It’s a kind of frightening film.
Đó là loại phim kinh dị.
* Terrified / terrifying
Ví dụ:
I’m terrified of the dark.
Tôi sợ bóng tối.
It was a terrifying experience.
Đó đúng là một kinh nghiệm đáng sợ.