Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm viết study plan mẫu study plan hay khi du học Canada. How to write a study plan for visa ?✅study plan canada sample .✅ Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm viết study plan mẫu study plan , nguyên tắc viết Study plan ✅hay khi du học Canada của anh Kyle Tran được chia sẻ đầu năm 2017 , 2019 rất hay. Bạn có thể xem thêm 2019 ở đây. hoặc 6 mẫu update ở phía dưới:

Một Study Plan hoàn chỉnh bao gồm 3 phần cơ bản:
Nội dung chính
Giới thiệu bản thân
- Quá trình học tập. Tập trung mạnh vào các ưu điểm học tập của bản thân.
- Áp dụng các kiến thức học tập vào thực tiễn. Tham gia các hoạt động ngoại khóa, các chiến dịch tình nguyện, các hoạt động an sinh xã hội.
- Study plan của bạn cần thể hiện nổi bật được bản thân mình là một học sinh hiếu học.
- Lí do quyết định sang Canada du học.
Đưa ra các lý do thuyết phục lãnh sự quán cấp visa du học
- Nêu lý do vì sao bạn quyết định du học: giới thiệu khái quát nền giáo dục tại Việt Nam, và các nước phương tây thêm vào đó nêu bật lên những điểm mạnh vượt trội về nền giáo dục tại các nước phương tây.
- Nêu lý do vì sao bạn chọn CANADA. Giới thiệu những nét về đất nước, con người, văn hóa xã hội và đặc biệt là nền giáo dục tại đất nước Canada đã khiến bạn ấn tượng.
- Nêu lý do chọn trường/ngành. Đây là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng trong study plan sẽ quyết định tỷ lệ đậu Visa. Vì thế, việc chuẩn bị đầy đủ trước các kiến thức liên quan đến trường và ngành mà bạn đã đăng ký rất cần thiết. Hãy giới thiệu sơ lược về Trường/Ngành, cũng như ưu nhược điểm của Trường/Ngành đó trong study plan, cũng như cơ hội áp dụng thực tế của ngành bạn chọn vào đời sống thực tiễn.
- Tài chính hiện tại của gia đình: Chứng minh và khẳng định với LSQ là gia đình bạn đủ khả năng chi trả cho bạn trong việc học tập và sinh hoạt tại Canada.
Dự định trong tương lai
- Kế hoạch học tập tại Canada. Lên kế hoạch học tập sơ bộ tại Canada. Hãy nhớ kèm thêm trong studyplan là một số dự định của bạn sau khi hoàn tất khóa học.
- Nêu lên các lý do khẳng định với LSQ là mình sẽ trở về Việt Nam. Nêu rõ các lý do thể hiện sự ràng buộc chắc chắn của bạn với Việt Nam. Và kế hoạch phát triển sự nghiệp bản thân tại Việt Nam trong tương lai.
Lưu ý khi viết Study Plan
- Trình bày trang trọng, câu từ rõ ràng, mạch lạc và có sự liên kết thống nhất với nhau qua từng ý.
- Quy cách:
- Độ dài: ~ 800 chữ.
- Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
Study plan canada mẫu
Trước hết mình xin chúc các bạn sắp sửa lăm le sang Canada du học 1 năm thật hạnh phúc, tràn đầy sức khỏe và may mắn. Rồng Pika qua rồi thì thần kê lại đến nhà nhé. Sau đây mình xin chia sẽ về việc viết study plan:
Rất nhiều bạn băn khoăn ko biết mình học đại học ở Vietnam rồi mà muốn sang đây thì agent kêu bắt buộc phải học post grad thì mới có visa hoặc là bị nói chắc chắn 100% rớt visa blah blah blah. Miệng thế gian mà, muốn nói gì nói, họ hù mình để mình làm theo họ và họ được lợi nhuận và cả hoa hồng. Vì thế, nếu mình là người trong cuộc mình sẽ làm sao? Cá nhân mình sẽ hỏi một vài người mà mình thấy họ thực sự nắm rõ vấn đề và xu hướng. Sau đó mình tự nghiên cứu và ra hướng đi riêng cho mình. Ko phải ai cũng giống ai nhưng khi LSQ xem study plan của các bạn và họ nhìn ra được trong study plan đó, các bạn cho họ thấy “she really knows what she’s doing” và “she has the ability to do it” thì khả năng các bạn được visa rất cao. Mấu chốt ở đây là mỗi người một study plan khác nhau. Ko ai giống ai, ko thể copy 100% study plan của người khác cho mình. Và điểm nữa là phải tự nghiên cứu. Thông tin bằng tiếng anh trên các website chính phủ đầy trên mạng. Thời đại này đang tiến đến fourth revolution rồi nên các bạn nên tự tập tính nghiên cứu độc lập, việc đó sẽ giúp ích các bạn rất nhiều khi sang đây đi học cũng như lo cho cuộc sống của mình. Người bên đây có thể rất tốt (như mình chẳng hạn hehe) nhưng mà họ ko có 1 ngày 24 hrs để mà trả lời từng câu hỏi (đôi khi mình cho là rườm rà ko cần thiết trả lời) hoặc ngồi chat cả ngày với các bạn được. Lí do vì họ còn phải đi làm kiếm tiền trả tiền học tiền nhà tiền ăn uống đủ thứ trên trời dưới đất nữa nên các bạn thông cảm.
Sau đây mình xin chia sẽ study plan mà mình viết cho em trai mình, sơ lược thì tình hình của gia đình mình cũng chẳng phải đại gia nhà cao cửa rộng tài khoản ngân hàng mấy tỷ. Ba mẹ đi làm công nhân viên và cũng rất cần kề tuổi về hưu. Cá nhân mình đi học đi làm và đã bám trụ lâu dài ở Canada chẳng về VN nữa. Em mình thì vừa tốt nghiệp đại học mà lại xin đi học certificate nên mình cũng hoang mang lắm. Nhưng mà cuối cùng vẫn được cấp visa theo chương trình CES. Và mình biết 1 vài người chị, người bạn học master và xin diploma vẫn được cấp visa bình thường. Nên again, mình nghĩ vấn đề ở đây là bạn phải biết bạn muốn gì làm gì thì người ta sẽ mở cánh cửa Canada ra cho bạn. Mình xin xóa bớt một số thông tin cá nhân trên letter để đảm bảo an toàn. Các bạn tham khảo rồi xem coi có giúp ích được gì thì giúp. Nhớ là copy hoàn toàn sẽ bị phát hiện nên mình ko ủng hộ việc copy rồi xài cho riêng mình nhé. Nhân tiện xin cảm ơn những người bạn, người chị đã góp ý trong thời gian mình hoàn thiện hồ sơ.
How to write a study plan for visa
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is XXX. I am writing this letter to further explain why I would like to apply for a study permit to Canada to undertake the XXXX certificate at XXXX in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I have just finished my studies at XXXX University with a major in XXXX, current cumulative GPA is XXXX out of 4. My expected graduation day is mid-September 2016. XXXX University is a well-known leader in the hospitality industry.
During my time at XXXX University I had a chance to expose to real life experiences through internships. I started my first intern in the Food & Beverages (F&B) department at XXXX Hotel Ho Chi Minh in XXXX. I was trained in front-house operation as a fine-dining server. I learned to serve customers professionally in order to meet their needs and to maximize their experiences eating at XXXX. Working there had helped me realize that I have passion in the food industry and since my experience gained at XXXX would only help me understand front-house operation, a professional education in XXXX (back-end) will be another step toward my long-term plan. I will be able to advance further into management level and earn 2 3 times higher with an international certificate when back home. My ultimate goal is to open a successful boutique restaurant and this extra professional XXXX education will serve as a valuable support.
With population of just under one million, Winnipeg is not too big nor too small for my liking. The people whom I met at Study Abroad events were extremely friendly and helpful. My brother is also living and working in Winnipeg. Hence, I will be able to save some living cost and he will help me to adapt faster to new environment.
XXXX is the biggest public college in Winnipeg. It is well-known to the local market due to its practical programs. Students who graduate from XXXX are able to join the labour market right away with hands on experiences learned from school. For this reason, I believe the XXXX program at XXXX is the best option to advance my career.
Some people have said that I should apply for a post graduate program to make my interest of study genuine. However, due to the specific industry I am interested in, I cannot find a culinary post graduate program offered by XXXX. I also checked courses outlined between XXXX versus post graduate programs from different colleges in Ontario. They all look similar with the core principle is to provide students with real experiences so they are ready to work. In the XXXX industry the more experiences students are exposed to, the more expertise they become, from prep food to manage kitchen. As a result, I find that the XXXX program at XXXX will be as much helpful as the post graduate program. Furthermore, my original plan was to participate in a 2-years XXXX program at XXXX but they were full by the time I applied. Hence, I decided to pursuit this 1-year XXXX certificate with an option to finish XXXX diploma eventually. I already received a confirmation from XXXX, XXXX program coordinator, that students graduate from XXXX certificate still be able to take 2nd year of the diploma which provide more in-depth knowledge.
Since my current IELTS certificate is sitting at XXXX I need to take an English program in order to get into the XXXX program. I believe with my current English skills I would only need one English course to get accepted to the main program. Thus, my plan is to come to Canada in December XXXX, take an English class starting January XXXX, and begin the XXXX program starting in May XXXX.
I have submitted visa application through Canada Express Study (CES) program for your review. Should you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With best regards,
Study plan Canada sample
To: VISA SECTION Ho Chi Minh City, October 22 2017
Dear Sir/ Madam,
My name is …….. I would like to explain my future study plan as the following.
Date of birth:
Occupation: Student at Ho Chi Minh city University of Foreign Language and Information Technology.
Education level: University Student
Phone number :
2008 – 2012 : student at Nguyen Van Linh for the gifted Secondary School.
2012 – 2015: student at Nam Ki Khoi Nghia High School.
2015– present : student at Ho Chi Minh city University of Foreign Language and Information Technology
2008: Granted to Nguyen Van Linh Secondary School for the Gifted as the student with highest English point, which is one of the most prestigious schools and the only Secondary School for Gifted in my district. Though tough process it may seem, the result was quite remarkable.
2008: After gaining high score in the English Placement Team Selection Test . I decided to try my best, despite some mistakes through the process to became an outstanding student in my class.
In terms of outdoor activities , I was a member of the Music Team of Binh Chanh District , which approached my hobbies and physical health. I was taught to be successful not only in academic field but also in extracurricular activities and moreover, making friends was very fun. That season ended with a lots of achievement and beautiful thing to finish the Secondary School.
2012: Granted to Nam Ki Khoi Nghia high school. The school is renowned for its high quality teaching staffs as well as a reputation of after class activities.
Being accepted to the English and Literature-majored Class, I was self-perceived to give all my best in learning, which was explained how I got good marks at school ( above 90% GPA in English , Biology and Literature with overall above 70%) . In addition, I am also good at English, resulted in the overall 6.0 IELTS exam.
Beside the learning process, I also participated plenty of extracurricular activities as a volunteer, a member of program team, some races sand competitions such as Project Sugar, Book Youth Project,…
From all I have mentioned above, I hold a belief that the Canada Education will be the best selection for my future academy.
Canada is one of the top nations with the best living conditions and an ideal destination for studies.
Canada is in the 7th place of the Top 20 Best Educational System according to
Canada is the world’s 6th happiest country, linked to CNN latest report
Canadian is famous for their friendliness, generosity and kindness
Canada has such a well-organized security and support system for foreign students
→ For the reasons above, Canada is the most ideal country for my studying abroad.
When I was young, it always impressed me to become a Manager since I knew how to the think of ways to make people relaxes and comfortable ,and it was my very luck to familiarize with the Internet very soon. Growing bigger and bigger, I realized that I have great passion in Service Industry and specially in Hotel Industry. And I am very enthusiastic every single time talking about how I know about Hospitality with my parents and my Professors . Eventually, I fall in love with JW Marriot Phu Quoc in my country, and then I found out The Rosseau Muskoka in Ontario, something pumped into my head and it made me here to write this with 100% passion. With deep research through the data on the Internet, I coincidentally found out that Canada is a extremely good place for education, for my future career and I decided to embark on applying to college. With the high-end technologies as well as in-depth-know-how teaching staffs, Canada is the ideal place for me to achieve my goal.
Being accepted to Seneca college, one of the best colleges in Ontario, actually increase my chance to get closer to my dream. Their expert faculty, cutting- edge technologies and extra co-op terms will provide me with excellent learning opportunities and precious experiences after 4 terms. Therefore, my plan is to complete 2 years of college and obtain necessary skills for a couple of years before returning to my native country to start-up, to serve my country as well as to take care of my family. I always dream to become a Manager of JW Marriot which is a famous Branch and served with different style and construction around the world. Hopefully, I can be a Manager of JW Marriot in Phu Quoc or a different Marriot in the future . Although Canada is rated as one of the most worth-living country in the world and the ideal place for settling down, it was always my dream to be successful in my hometown not anywhere else.
In a nutshell, I am looking forward to receiving the consideration and acceptance of the Consulate General of Canada.
Yours faithfully,
P.S kinh nghiệm viết study plan mẫu study plan 2019
Mẫu một study plan và một số lưu ý khác 2018:
Sample No. 1
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to write a few words about my desired program and my future prospects. I have successfully completed my matriculation and intermediate with a scoring of 82% and 58% respectively.
I have always shown willingness and keen interest in my existing and new subject matter. Along with that, academic skills have been an important consideration to me and I have a good understanding of them. I am interested in business studies because one has a greater chance to explore a variety of subjects. Also it will polish my academic skills and will provide me opportunity to develop skills in the area of business that can be applied in many different situations.
This is a turning point of my career and I want to give it a great start and in that case I think Williams Business College in Australia is a very good choice. Its diploma of business administration is a very popular program and is in accordance with my requirements. As the college promises good career outcomes this program satisfies me very much. Also I will have a chance for further study in business degree. As I want to do my bachelors degree after this in some top level university in Australia.
Australian education system has a very good reputation and assures quality education. Also it is a safe country with multicultural and a welcoming environment.
Another reason for choosing Australia is that students who have studied in Australian universities are very successful in finding jobs in Pakistan in top level companies or even in setting up new business. The acquired skills and knowledge are also useful in making their existing businesses flourish to a much greater level.
This is one of the most important aspects of my preference of choosing Australia because I plan to join my family business when I will come back to my homeland or even if want to go for a job, along with a strong educational background this study will help me in making a difference in my professional life.
I hope that you will acknowledge my interests and will give me chance to study in a quality institution.
Best Regards,
Full Name
Sample No. 2
There are many reasons for which I have chosen United Kingdom to come for my higher studies. I did my FSc in Computer Science from Municipal degree college Faisalabad and I have got good marks in my previous results. I always take keen interest in my studies and I believe myself so I wand to spent my educational activities in a top class environment to satisfy my inner educational needs. These are the factors for which I decided to go for my study in UK.
The reasons for choosing South Thames College are so many. Its education is of high quality. It is located in Europe and especially in London. It offers my desired business program. I am fulfilling its minimum requirement for admission. It also offers an academic, social and cultural experience of the finest quality.
I have a special interest in English language. I love to live in an English speaking environment. There are 60 million people speaking English. The British educational system has a very good reputation. I have strong belief that I will prove myself to be a better at your College. I will be grateful if you please consider my application to study at your esteemed institute.
Full Name
Sample No. 3
I have passed my MSc. Computer Science degree from University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. There were nineteen subjects consisting of seventy-two credit hours. I did course projects during the two years of study individually as well as in a group which created in me self-confidence as well as ability to work in team environment. My final project was Management Information System of a private company. Basically, I was interested in developing business applications because I did bachelors in commerce subjects. My knowledge of business and commerce as well as growing importance of computer technology in business and industry incited me to choose computer science as final field of study.
I have still great thirst for more education. My aims are to do a PhD in Computer Science. I know that according to the rules and regulations of Universities of Sweden I have to readmit and complete Masters program first and then apply again for the PhD in Computer Science if I fulfill the rules and regulations of the Swedish Government and its Educational Institutions. So I am applying for the same and I believe that this Masters program would polish my skills more and would enable me to get start PhD accordingly.
Sweden is education friendly country and promoting higher education in every possible manner without discrimination of race, gender and religion. Sweden has one of Europe’s most comprehensive quality education systems. The OECD puts Sweden among the world’s top investors in education. Investment has helped produce a vibrant, creative and student-centered system, one in which much of the work is left to the student’s own initiative. Though often demanding, such a system with its lack of rigid scheduling is also highly stimulating as it encourages students to develop a critical mind and an independent approach – two highly sought attributes in today’s knowledge-based employment market. Few of my friends are already studying in Swedish Universities and they admire the high standard of education and their amicable culture. These are the reasons for which I choose Sweden for my higher education.
In Pakistan, while getting a reasonable job any foreign qualified person is always preferred and paid well. Also Pakistan is in a desperate need for foreign qualified persons and their skills for its development. So in future when I’ll return I am sure to get a good position to serve my country.
Best Regards,
Full name
Sample No. 4
If we look around in the world of Science, there are many potentials to be explored and challenges to be faced. New inventions are to be made in Bio Technology for memory or DNA analysis etc. Similarly in the field of VLSI design, energy consumption and time saving are the issues that need continuous concentration of minds in order to achieve the best.
To be more specific, for video transmission in wireless media, efficient use of bandwidth needs good compression techniques along with an efficient and energy saving VLSI design to achieve fast, errorless and smooth video communication within the limited bandwidth.
My mission is to develop an efficient video compression technique for mobile applications along with the VLSI circuit design that will be capable of performing video transmission with low energy consumption, less bandwidth requirement and efficient error checking.
I have B.Sc. Electrical Engineer degree from University of Engineering & Technology Taxila (one of the best Engineering University of Pakistan) with majors of Electronics & Communication. During studies, the courses of Micro Electronics, Digital Signal Processing and Advance Programming Languages (C++ & Verilog HDL) boosted my knowledge and skills. My major project on wireless transmission of video data broadened my concepts of video compression techniques and video streaming being used for wireless networks.
Here is the summary of my project:
Wireless Transmission of Video Data
• Compression and streaming of Video data using 264H/AVC compression technique
• Mobile Internet
• Middleware Technique
• Mobile Internet Protocoles (MICP, HTTPc etc.)
• Mobile Operating Systems (Win C etc.)
• Design of Java based client for video streaming on mobile
Digital circuits design of Microelectronics and RISC Architecture enabled me to bring my skills of innovation to a level where I could solve the complex design problems and develop efficient architecture based on RISC processor and circuit design that were capable of performing important functionalities. Following are some projects, which polished my potential of creativity.
• Design and Implementation of 32-bit RISC Processor using Verilog HDL
• Design of MIPS architecture with 12 Basic operations, 32-Bit Registers (32)
• Verilog Code and tested by Veriwell Simulation
• Design of Multiplier and Divider Circuit in Verilog HDL
• 32-Bit Multiplication & Division Codes in verilog
• 3rd Algorithm for Multiplier & Divider
• Booth Algorithm for signed multiplication
• Digital Electronic design in Verilog HDL
• Serial Pattern Detectors
• Parity Generators
• Priority Encoders
• Counters
• Rotators
Along with above-mentioned skills, I have good programming skills in languages such as C, C++, RISC Assembly & Java. I am capable of working in both DOS and WINDOWS environments and I have good knowledge of Network Technologies and Objects Oriented Analysis & Design.
I think it is the time for me to go beyond the horizons and acquire knowledge of highest level. The well-qualified and experienced faculty, excellent laboratory facilities, exceptional research work and the inspiration given to students at your university would provide me an ideal platform for achieving my goals.
I hope that you will acknowledge my interests in acquiring the knowledge and doing PhD. and related research work under your kind supervision. I assure you that you will find me a very hardworking and result-oriented researcher who will build a high pillar of innovation and creativity on the strong foundation of knowledge at your university.
Best Regards,
Full Name
Sample No. 5
The course “BA (Hons) Business Management“ which I have chosen to study is not being widely offered by the universities in Pakistan, and to be in United Kingdom means it will better enhance my leadership skills which are main to my course of business studies and better polish my skills in the most competitive, creative and practical environment. There is a wide mixture of cultures in the UK and there are foreign communities from most parts of the world, which means that I can learn how to live and compete in diverse culture. In UK there is freedom; people usually feel free to express their own opinions and to do what they want. There is creative environment; individual’s ideas are encouraged. UK is where the English Language developed. There are more people using English as their first language in the UK than in any other country except the US. In United Kingdom there are 60 million people speaking English it means that I can easily communicate and study there.
UK is a relatively safe country; police do not usually carry guns, and there are strict controls on the ownership of weapons. The British educational system has a good reputation. Accredited qualifications obtained from British schools and universities are recognized in most parts of the world. There are courses in a wide variety of subjects, including many which are open to international students, which compel me to choose to study in UK. There is wide variety of food available (both traditional British food and international cuisine) especially in the bigger cities which means I can get what I want to eat.
The British weather is quite moderate. In general the summers are not too hot, and the winters are not too cold. The weather is pleasant enough for studying or working, especially between the spring and autumn.
Studying in UK will help me to build skills such as creative thinking, being able to work on my own initiative and strong teamwork and communication skills. British degrees are highly regarded by employers as they have a strong emphasis on practical experience whether this is in laboratory work, research projects, or case studies. Furthermore, admission into university is competitive and class sizes are restricted to ensure that all students have sufficient access to equipment that leads to better graduate outcome.
At the end I hope you will issue admission letter/visa so that I could continue my study in a world-class environment and to accomplish my dreams.
For these reasons I have chosen Newcastle College because it fulfills all of my requirements and I am also fulfilling all of its minimum requirement for admission.
Thanks a lot.
Full name
Sample No. 6
Thank you very much for providing me the opportunity to express my feelings regarding my higher study in United Kingdom and studying there for my further education. Coming to UK for higher studies means guaranteeing my future, the stability and the prosperity. The facilities and conducive atmosphere of United Kingdom will help me to enhance my skills in a better way and will lead me towards a bright future. I believe after studying in United Kingdom many multinational companies will be pleased to give me job place easily. So as recommended by my teachers, my parents and keeping in mind all the above factors UK is the best place for me to do my higher study. I believe that I will have a place in your esteemed organization and it will be an honor for me to continue my study in UK.
During my previous study I always got excellent grades and I always have keen interest in my study and I believe in myself. For these reasons I have chosen Kingston University because it fulfills all of my requirements and I am also fulfilling all of its minimum requirement for admission. I do hope that I shall be accepted for admission.
Best Regards,
Full Name